It's been a long time since I've written, I know. Not because I haven't had anything to say--I just have not taken the time to sit down and say it. Promising to be better this year.
I noticed that I have 2 different types of posts within one blog--some posts were about my mom's journey through life as she (and we) deal with her Alzheimer's; the other about what I'm doing with my life now that I'm retired. I've split the two different types of posts into two separate blogs now and I'm happy 'cause you all know how I love organization...So if you're interested in the posts about my mom, they are now in a blog entitled "I Miss My Mom" which can be found here: I will also post this info on facebook.
Happy New Year to you all!! I'm not making any official new year's resolutions--just continuing to grow, learn and stay healthy.
Piano lessons are coming along--What they say about stimulating your brain is really, really true--some days I feel like my brain is going to explode with the strain of trying to keep the left and right hands in sync.
I've gone the route of the ereader!!! I got the Amazon Kindle early in 2010, then decided I liked the Barnes & Noble nook when it came out later in the year--then I became enamoured of the nookcolor when it came out around Christmas time. So now, I'm reading my way through Barnes & Nobles electronically...The good news? I read 15 books in 2010 and I'm saving trees. The bad news? There
is no bad news when it comes to reading!! My husband and I are taking Spanish classes. I've not studied Spanish since I was in high school but I remember some stuff--just another way to make my brain explode but it's fun being in a room with a group of seniors all trying to learn something new. I've found my way to Zumba classes. I've always loved dance and this is a way to kill two birds with one stone--dance and exercise (and watch that back). Stay tuned.
I'll be starting a new yoga teacher training class in March and plan to start teaching chair yoga to seniors--a good way to give back and keep me in shape, huh?
So, to say the least, I am holding true to the words on my license plate. I am truly "Onajerny".
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