Sunday, August 9, 2009

There's Always Tomorrow

I spent 3 hours in the hot, blazing North Carolina sun pruning, snipping and generally getting the backyard in shape. Ted likes working together and so do I, but I'm telling you you have to be crazy to go out in the backyard pruning at 11:00 am. Just didn't want to get up early (a resounding theme with me). So I paid the price.

By the end of the 3 hours, we were both maxed out. I ended up with a blazing headache. Took a shower and an epsom salt soak (to ward off the soreness I knew would come tomorrow). But oh boy, did the back yard look good. Just how long will we do this before we realize that it's makes more sense to pay someone?

Walking past the front yard later that day I said to Ted "I just don't want to do this tomorrow". His answer? "There's always tomorrow". My sentiments exactly.

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